Core Processes + Development

One Day Trainings: In-Person and Webinars

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break:  11:30 – 12:30
SMCAA Member Fees:

Webinars:  $100.00 per training  |  In-Person Trainings: $130.00 per training

Non-Member Fees:
Webinars:  $130.00 per training  |  In-Person Trainings:  $160.00 per training

3-Day Webinar Training Special for Member Districts:  SMCAA Member Districts can take advantage of a 3-day WEBINAR training special for $240.00 (a savings of $60 for members). The trainings included in this special are only the ones listed on this page as webinars. Any member district staff my attend these trainings. Valid from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Contact Julie Riley ( to take advantage of this savings opportunity!

Registered virtual attendees will receive a recording of the session 24 hours after it has concluded.

2024-2025 Graduate Credit Syllabus

Curriculum Design and Review – WEBINAR – February 24th

What questions do you or your staff have about standards-based learning? 

Are you making a move towards standards-based reporting? 

Let us help you answer those questions. 

Standards-based learning is an excellent way to evaluate students’ progress to mastering standards or competencies.  It provides a fair and objective method for teachers to use in the classroom and for students to clearly understand their status.  Standards-based learning is a system that includes the instruction, assessment, measuring, and reporting needed to determine a student’s mastery of the knowledge, processes and skills identified as a priority.  We will discuss what standards-based learning is, the steps involved in developing both the classroom system and a school-wide system.  We will also discuss the importance of community and parents in the process.  We will spend some time examining standards-based reporting as well. 

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

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Click Here to Register For February 24th

Standards Based Learning – Webinar – February 26th

Standards-based learning is an excellent way to evaluate students’ progress to mastering standards or competencies. It provides a fair and objective method for teachers to use in the classroom and for students to clearly understand their status. Standards-based learning is a system that includes the instruction, assessment, measuring and reporting needed to determine a student’s mastery of the knowledge, processes and skills identified as a priority. We will discuss what standards-based learning is, the steps involved in developing both the classroom system and a school-wide system. We will also discuss the importance of community and parents in the process.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

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Click Here to Register

APR Deep Dive: Are We Success Ready in Our Success Ready Measures – New 2025 – Webinar – February 28th

The Success-Ready component of our APR only makes up 10% of the Performance portion and 6% of the Continuous Improvement area yet plays a major role in our students’ futures. Join us for this hands-on, in-person workshop as we take a deep dive into YOUR district’s APR data and district offerings to see how you can help improve your Success Ready measures. We will also look at specific district offerings to see how we can help prepare students to be success ready in the post high school life. Attendees are being asked to bring a copy of (or have access to) your district’s APR from the last three years, including any supporting documentation related to the Success Ready component.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors and those in charge of their district APR reviews and Analysis

Click Here to Register for Webinar on February 28th

Curriculum Director Training Level I – Virtual – March 13th

Curriculum Director: easy to say, harder to define. What is a curriculum director? What do they do? Ask 10 districts this question and you will get 15 different answers. Oftentimes thrown into a large melting pot with other duties, the role of Curriculum Director can become muddled with uncertainty as to what the job entails. Come join us for this workshop as we dig into the skills and knowledge needed in creating a guaranteed, viable, and credible curriculum; along with tools to build instructional leadership and the importance of vertical alignment. The major focus topics which will be explored during this workshop include the following:

  • What the Job Entails and the Role of Instructional Leadership
  • Creating a Guaranteed, Viable and Credible Curriculum
  • The Five Standards of Curriculum Evaluation
  • Ensuring a Comprehensive Written Curriculum
  • The Importance of Vertical Alignment and Vertical Conversations
  • Types of Assessments and How to Choose the Best Fit

Come join us and your fellow curriculum folks from across the state as we look at the essential basics needed to fulfill your role as a Curriculum Director in your district!

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

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Click Here to Register

Curriculum Director Training Level II – Virtual – March 14th

Having a written curriculum in place is great, but this is just the beginning. During the Level II training, we will move beyond the basics of having a solid curriculum and look at ways to ensure the curriculum is being taught with rigor and fidelity. Topics covered during this workshop include the following:

  • Developing Curriculum and Assessment Handbooks
  • Control and oversight of curriculum 
  • What it means to be an instructional leader from the curriculum viewpoint
  • The importance of, and ways to help achieve, vertical and horizontal alignment
  • Curriculum transparency Ensuring rigorous curriculum
  • Monitoring curriculum results through data review

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

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Click Here to Register

Let’s Consider Instructional Coaching: A Review of Skills and Process – Webinars March 6th and 7th

Instructional Coaching is an important part of improving student learning by providing teachers with support, feedback, and research-based practices. What are the qualities and skills that coaches should possess? How does an instructional coach determine what a teacher needs to improve student learning? What does effective feedback look like and what type of feedback works? How do you determine which practices to share with teachers? What data should we look at and what questions should we be asking? All these questions and MORE will be answered in this training session. We will provide current coaches and future coaches with research-based strategies to help improve their practice as well as help teachers.

Target Audience: Instructional Coaches, interested future instructional coaches, and administrators.

Join us online for two half day trainings that can be attended together or separately.

SMCAA Member District: $65.00 Per person

Non SMCAA Member District: $95.00 per person

Half Day One: March 6, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. Click Here to Register

  • Qualities and skills needed to be an effective instructional coach, along with discussion around the idea of influence without authority.
  • Review aspects of strong instruction, what it looks like, and the instructional behaviors we should expect from classroom teachers.
  • The difference between techniques and strategies in instruction and the effective use of both

Half Day Two: March 7, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. Click Here to Register

  • Aspects of planning lessons, logical progression, execution and reflection.
  • The best data to use to readily address instructional practice, and a useful process for data review for stronger instruction.
  • What to do next in your instructional coaching journey

Let’s Talk Science – New 2024 – Webinar – April 1st

The Science MLS are not new but are you sure that your district curriculum is aligned to them?  Are the assessments your teachers using assessing all the dimensions or just the core knowledge?  Join us as we dive into the processes that need to occur as your teachers build units of instruction, including assessments and determine quality activities. 

We will examine the science MLS, the 3-dimensional standards and other great science resources.  We will discuss how to ensure that science instruction is aligned to the standards, effective instructional practices, and quality assessment development.  We will dive into the importance of science instruction at all levels and how to inspire critical thinking and collaboration. 

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

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Click Here to Register

Using Curriculum Improvement Cycles to Enhance Curriculum Writing – Webinar – April 3rd

Sometimes, when it comes to curriculum writing, you have to stop…reflect…and rethink what you are doing and what has been done. The curriculum we write should not only benefit our teachers, both present and those to enter our districts later, but should also be written to meet the needs of our students, community, and DESE mandates.

This training will explore how a Curriculum Improvement Cycle can not only help you write a guaranteed and viable curriculum, but also help ensure that it is written in a way to benefit the students. We will start the training by taking a look at why we even bother worrying about having a written curriculum, then we will dive into the five steps of a Curriculum Improvement Cycle:  Evaluate & Diagnose; Prioritize & Set Goals; Develop and Plan; Curriculum Writing; and Implement and Monitor. By going through the process, individuals will walk away with the knowledge needed to know where to either start or where to head next in their curriculum writing and implementation journey.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, or lead teachers assigned to the duty of overseeing curriculum writing.

Click Here to Register

Developing Quality Aligned Assessments – Webinar – April 7th

How do you know if the assessments in curriculum units are aligned to the standards they are supposed to measure?  What are the steps in aligning assessments as they are developed?  What supporting documents can be used? How can you audit the assessments provided by textbook series?

 A quality assessment should clearly assess the chosen standard. This training will include the process for writing a quality assessment with samples as well as a process to audit the alignment of the assessments to the standards. We will also practice with Missouri Learning Standards and discuss the potential of the Moleap Blocks, Mo OER site and using technology platforms.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Classroom teachers, and Assessment Coordinators

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Click Here to Register

Curriculum Writing for the non-Core Subject Areas – Webinar – TBA

We know the importance of having a guaranteed and viable curriculum for our core content areas and MAP assessed classrooms, but what about “the others?” The push in districts for being more transparent in what is being taught in the classrooms makes having a written curriculum in all areas much more relevant. This workshop will review what curriculum writing looks like in non-core electives and upper-level content areas. We will review Missouri Learning Standards for the Fine Arts Standards, Physical and Health Education Standards and at state and national standards related to Practical Arts and Career Ed classes and see how to align upper-level content to college and ACT standards.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, teachers of non-Core Electives

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Let’s Talk Math – New 2024 – Webinar

During this workshop, we will briefly revisit the Math MLS, DESE Priority Standards, and the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice. We will dive into different ways to enhance our math curriculum and ways to beef up our math assessments through the use of DESE’s Performance Indicators. Different instructional methods will be discussed, as well as the importance of having a growth mindset and productive struggle within our lessons.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, Teachers of Mathematics

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New Dates 2025-2026 TBA

Developing and Using Proficiency Scales – WEBINAR – TBA

Proficiency scales can be a powerful tool in the classroom.  A clearly articulated, well described proficiency scale give students the opportunity to visually understand what is needed to master the learning goal or standard.  It also provides the teacher with a clear understanding of what they should see when measuring a student’s proficiency.  We will discuss and practice how to develop a proficiency scale and how to effectively use it in the classroom. We will look at the MoreNet OER site and discuss how to submit and search for proficiency scales.   Samples of scales written to some Missouri Priority Standards will be shared

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Classroom teachers, and Assessment Coordinators

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Let’s Talk Elementary Social Studies

Social Studies…easily overlooked but so important to focus on. During this workshop, we will focus on what makes a guaranteed and viable Social Studies curriculum, ways to integrate Social Studies into other content areas to make the most use of our time, and how to bring Social Studies and History to life with our elementary students.

Target Audience: Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, Elementary teachers

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New Dates 2025-2026 TBA