2023 EMBARC User Group Meetings
Not Familiar with Embarc? See an introduction to Embarc and see the new products that Education Advanced has available for Missouri districts. These include Evaluation for staff evaluations and educator growth, and Cardonex for master scheduling and staffing.
Embarc – Just the Basics
Are you new to using Embarc? This session is for you. Many districts have new staff members who may not be familiar with EMBARC and how to use the program. Join us as we give an overview of the system, including how to set up courses, establish units and topics, the development of learning targets and the most useful reports for teachers and building administrators. Also, learn what is new for this school year within Embarc.
As we move into a time where transparency of curriculum is essential for maintaining relationships between districts and parents and community members, EMBARC has the answer. Join us as we discuss and demonstrate how the process of publishing the parts of the curriculum you would like to share is accomplished. What are the reports most useful for administrators? We will also address other questions system administrators might have during this session.
Updates for the New School Year
EMBARC has made many new updates since our last user group meetings in 2021. Join us for this one-hour webinar as we discuss some of the most important updates. EMBARC has many new updates to help teachers streamline their use of the curriculum system and their Google Classroom suite. There will also be additional updates discussed as well as demonstrations of where these are in the system, including reports and help features.
Updates for the New School Year Presentation Handout
Learning Target and Standard Alignment Tools and Tricks
Publishing on the Public Site and a review of other administrator functions
As we move into a time where transparency of curriculum is essential for maintaining relationships between districts and parents and community members, EMBARC has the answer. Join us as we discuss and demonstrate how the process of publishing the parts of the curriculum you would like to share is accomplished. We will also address other questions system administrators might have during this session.