Regional Meetings

 March Regional Meetings

Using Active Learning to Combat Student Apathy

All Locations: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (unless noted below)

One of the biggest challenges for a teacher is the battle against student apathy. One solution to this challenge is to ensure that our curriculum is highly engaging and presents multiple opportunities for active learning. What causes student apathy? What role does passive learning play in promoting student apathy?

Join us at our Spring Regional Meeting as we look at how we can help combat student apathy by changing the way we design lessons and instructional activities and how moving to active learning classrooms can help support learning and create a supportive learning environment.

**REMINDER** – Free attendance for all SMCAA Member District Staff to our Fall, Winter and Spring Regional Meetings.

Registration Required – Please put $0 in Total Field and Member in the Purchase Order field.

Non- Member Districts: $35.00 per person and must complete a registration form including a PO number. – SPECIAL: In response to the SMCAA 2025-2026 Membership Drive all non-members are invited to be our guest at any regional meeting location. Registration is required, please enter “Guest” in the PO field. 

If you have any questions, please contact Julie at

Past Regional Meetings

Webinar recordings from prior virtual meetings and handouts can be found on our Members Only Site under the resource tab. Please contact your districts primary SMCAA contact for your district’s login credentials